Original Paper
- 45.Furuichi Y, Sugiura T, Kato Y, Shimada Y and Masuda K: OCTN2 is associated with carnitine transport capacity of rat skeletal muscles. Acta Physiol 200: 57-64, 2010.9.
- 44.Takakura H, Masuda K, Hashimoto T, Iwase S and Jue T: Quantification of myoglobin deoxygenation and intracellular partial pressure of O2 during muscle contraction under Hb-free medium perfusion. Exp Physiol 95: 630-640, 2010.5.
- 43.近藤針次, 下山一郎, 増田和実, 井奈波良一, 春名芳郎, 榊原規彰: 非観血容積脈波連続血圧測定法と観血式連続血圧測定法による血圧及び心拍出量評価. 医工学治療 22: 3-10, 2010.4.
- 42.Masuda K, Takakura H, Furuichi Y, Iwase S and Jue T: NIRS measurement of O2 dynamics in contracting blood and buffer perfused hindlimb muscle. Adv Exp Med Biol 662: 323-328, 2010.1.
- 41.Furuichi Y, Masuda K, Takakura H, Hotta N, Ishida K, Katayama K, Iwase S and Akima H: Effect of intensive interval training during unloading on muscle oxygenation kinetics. Int J Sports Med 30: 563-568, 2009.8.
- 40.加登万裕子, 嶋田裕哉, 古市泰郎, 高倉久志, 増田和実: 傾斜歩行時の運動強度の推定. 日本運動生理学雑誌 16: 9-16, 2009.6.
- 39.渡邊高由樹, 徳田伸一, 高倉久志, 古市泰郎, 嶋田裕哉, 加登万裕子, 増田和実: 音楽刺激が安静時の心臓血管系の応答に及ぼす影響. 北陸体育学会紀要 45: 1-8, 2009.3.
- 38.Kano Y, Masuda K, Furukawa H, Sudo M, Mito K and Sakamoto K: Histological skeletal muscle damage and surface EMG relationships following eccentric contractions. J Physiol Sci 58: 349-355, 2008.10
- 37.Masuda K, Truscott K, Lin PC, Kreutzer U, Chung Y, Sriram R and Jue T: Determination of myoglobin concentration in blood perfused tissue. Eur J Appl Physiol 104: 41-48, 2008.9.
- 36.堀辰也, 増田和実, 古市泰郎, 田辺解, 狩野豊: Proanthocyanidinの経口摂取による筋組織の特異的なラジカル消去活性の変化. 北陸体育学会紀要 44: 1-9, 2008.3.
- 35.Masuda K, Hori T, Tanabe K, Kano Y, Hirayama A and Nagase S: Proanthocyanidin promotes free radical scavenging activity in muscle tissues and plasma. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 32: 1097-1104, 2007.12.
- 34.高倉久志, 増田和実, 長谷川慎: スポーツタイツの着用が自転車運動時の筋内酸素動態に及ぼす影響. 北陸体育学会紀要 43: 29-36, 2007.3.
- 33.Tanabe K, Masuda K, Ajisaka R, Matsuda M, Hirayama A, Nagase S, Kono I and Kuno S: Relationships between age, daily physical activity, antioxidant capacity and oxidative stress among middle-aged and elderly people. Int J Sport Health Sci 4(Special Isuue 2): 515-527, 2006.12.
- 32.Hotta N, Sato K, Katayama K, Koga S, Masuda K, Miyachi M, Akima H And Ishida K: Oxygen uptake kinetics following 20 days of unilateral lower limb suspension. J Physiol Sci 56: 347-353, 2006.9.
- 31.高嶋龍也, 増田和実, 高倉久志, 古市泰郎: 筋収縮開始時における骨格筋deoxygenationの線形評価. 北陸体育学会紀要 42: 1-7, 2006.3.
- 30.Tanabe K, Masuda K, Hirayama A, Nagase S, Kono I and Kuno S: Effect of spontaneous exercise on antioxidant capacity in rat muscles determined by electron spin resonance. Acta Physiol 186: 119-125, 2006.1.
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