Original Paper

  • 14.金俊東, 久野譜也, 相馬りか, 増田和実, 足立和隆, 西嶋尚彦, 石津政雄, 岡田守彦: 加齢による下肢筋量の低下が歩行能力に及ぼす影響. 体力科学 49: 589-596, 2000.10.
  • 13.Kano Y, Shimegi S, Takahashi H, Masuda K and Katsuta S: Changes in capillary luminal diameter in rat soleus muscle after hind-limb suspension. Acta Physiol Scand 169: 271-276, 2000.8.
  • 12.Akima H, Takahashi H, Kuno S, Masuda K, Masuda T, Shimojo H, Anno I, Itai Y and Katsuta S: Early phase adaptations of muscle use and strength to isokinetic training. Med Sci Sports Exerc 31: 588-594, 1999.4.
  • 11.Masuda K, Choi JY, Shimojo H and Katsuta S: Maintenance of myoglobin concentration in human skeletal muscle after heavy resistance training. Eur J Appl Physiol 79: 347-352, 1999.3.
  • 10.Masuda K, Masuda T, Sadoyama T, Inaki M and Katsuta S: Changes in surface EMG parameters during static and dynamic fatiguing contractions. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 9: 39-46, 1999.1.
  • 9.増田和実, 狩野豊, 中野裕史, 稲木光晴, 勝田茂: 持久性トレーニングによるラットの骨格筋ミオグロビン濃度の変化-運動強度、時間、期間の影響-. 体力科学 47: 561-572, 1998.10.
  • 8.崔鳥淵, 増田和実, 村岡誠, 下條仁士, 高松薫: 「パワーアップ型」と「バルクアップ型」筋力トレーニング手段のトレーニング効果の相違(2)-筋の組織化学的特性および毛細血管分布に着目して-. 体力科学 47: 189-198, 1998.4.
  • 7.Masuda K, Kano Y and Katsuta S: Adaptation of myoglobin in compensatory hypertrophied rat muscle. Acta Physiol Scand 160: 327-331, 1997.8.
  • 6.Kano Y, Shimegi S, Masuda K, Sakato H, Ohmori H and Katsuta S: Effects of different intensity endurance training on the capillary network in rat skeletal muscle. Int J Microcirc 17: 93-96, 1997.6.
  • 5.Nakano H, Masuda K, Sasaki S and Katsuta S: Oxidative enzyme activity and soma size in motoneurons innervating the rat slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles after chronic activity. Brain Res Bull 43: 149-154, 1997.2.
  • 4.Kano Y, Shimegi S, Masuda K, Ohmori H and Katsuta S: Morphological adaptation of capillary network in compensatory hypertrophied rat plantaris muscle. Eur J Appl Physiol 75: 97-101, 1997. 2.
  • 3.Wada M, Okumoto T, Toro K, Masuda K, Fukubayashi T, Kikuchi K, Niihata S and Katsuta S: Expression of hybrid isomyosins in human skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol 271: C1250-C1255, 1996.10.
  • 2.狩野豊, 七五三木聡, 増田和実, 坂戸英樹, 大森肇, 勝田茂: 異なる強度の持久性トレーニングが心室筋の毛細血管形態に及ぼす影響. 体力科学 45: 511-518, 1996.10.
  • 1.Takahashi H, Kuno S, Katsuta S, Shimojo H, Masuda K, Yoshioka H, Anno I and Itai Y: Relationships between fiber composition and NMR measurements in human skeletal muscle. NMR Biomed 9: 8-12, 1996.1.