Original Paper
- 55.Hamidie DRR, Yamada T, Ishizawa R, Saito Y and Masuda K: Curcumin treatment enhances the effect of exercise on mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle by increasing cAMP levels. Metabolism 64: 1334-1347, 2015.7.
- 54.Takakura H, Furuichi Y, Yamada T, Jue T, Ojino M, Hashimoto T, Iwase S, Hojo T, Izawa T and Masuda K: Endurance training facilitates myoglobin desaturation during muscle contraction in rat skeletal muscle. Scientific Reports 5: 9403, 2015.3.
- 53.Ishizawa R, Masuda K, Sakata S and Nakatani A: Effects of different fatty acid chain lengths on fatty acid oxidation-related proteins in skeletal muscles. J Oleo Sci 64: 415-421, 2015.3.
- 52.Furuichi Y, Goto-Inoue N, Manabe Y, Setou M, Masuda K and Fujii NL: Imaging mass spectrometry reveals fiber-specific distribution of acetylcarnitine and contraction-induced carnitine dynamics in rat skeletal muscles. Biochem Biophys Acta – Bioenergetics, 1837: 1699-1706, 2014.10.
- 51.澤本加那子, 山田達也, 蔭地野稔, 石澤里枝, Hamidie DR Ronald, 新田咲, 増田和実: 膜透過処理による骨格筋ミトコンドリア呼吸活性の定量化と異なる筋線維タイプにおける酸素消費速度の比較. 北陸体育学会紀要 50: 7-18, 2014.3.
- 50.堀辰也, 石澤里枝, Hamidie RD Ronald, 新田咲, 増田和実: ポリフェノール摂取が収縮誘発性筋損傷の回復過程に及ぼす影響. 北陸体育学会紀要 49: 1-9, 2013.3.
- 49.Yamada T, Furuichi Y, Takakura H, Hashimoto T, Hanai Y, Jue T and Masuda K: Interaction between myoglobin and mitochondria in rat skeletal muscle. J Appl Physiol 114: 490-497, 2013.2.
- 48.山田達也, 米田真平, 古市泰郎, 岩中伸壮, 増田和実: 骨格筋の異なる筋線維タイプにおけるカルニチン輸送担体の発現比較. 北陸体育学会紀要 48: 23-32, 2012.3.
- 47.Furuichi Y, Sugiura T, KatoY, Takakura H, Hanai Y, Hashimoto T and Masuda K: Muscle contraction increases carnitine uptake via translocation of OCTN2. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 418: 774-779, 2012.2.
- 46.Takakura H, Yamada T, Furuichi Y, Iwanaka N and Masuda K: Effects of muscle temperature on muscle oxygenation kinetics during contraction (in English). 北陸体育学会紀要 47: 11-19, 2011.3.
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